Saturday 14 July 2012

Looking To A Digital World for Intimacy

There are days where I am completely content with my life, my achievements, and the meow my cat greets me with as I arrive home. There are other days where I look around at my marrying friends and can’t help but notice the gap where a significant other could be. It was on one of these days that I decided to open an internet dating account.

I don’t regret my decision to venture into the world of digital dancefloors to meet a partner. I don’t even regret the awkward experiences I have endured on such a journey. I, along with many others are exploring the new frontier of internet dating, online romance, and online social networking.

I remember the first time I heard of internet dating. It was in a second year sociology course. I was to present a talk on love and dating. I spoke about a neighbour’s war-time romance and the impact of the great depression on their marriage and early parenting experiences. My co-presenter, a poem writing (and reciting), sci-fi loving, underweight, alternative, somewhat awkward goth presented on modern day romance -internet dating. I was not left with a good impression.

I can’t say that my impression of internet dating has improved greatly since then, however, in between ‘The Sniffer', ‘The Photographer a.k.a. Mr. Doughnut Belly’, ‘The Choker’ and ‘Mr. Tall’ I have actually had a few nice experiences. If you are considering playing this game, my only advice is be prepared for some awkward.

I go on every date with one question I look to answer (in my head). That question is “why is this person single?” I was hoping the question would be harder to answer, but alas, reality is sometimes harsh. To demonstrate this finding, I am planning to document some of the experiences I have had since going online. I think it is about time I started mapping this territory to enable those coming after to prepare, compare and reflect. 


  1. Yayyyy. Elysia i can't wait to read your stories through your hilarious,, intelligent, and refreshingly honest writing. Xxxx

  2. This is brilliant. I am very much looking forward to revisiting 'The Choker' when you get round to documenting that episode!

  3. I remember u talking about the sniffer... But the choker... Looking fwd to it
