Tuesday 21 July 2015

Mr. Wyl Dancrazy

Just when I thought I had exhausted my supply of interesting dating interactions I received this gem in my inbox. 

Hey there. Have a look at my profile and let me know if you would like to talk. In the meantime you can answer these 3 questions as an ice breaker (to get the conversation started).
1. Where have you travelled to so far?
2. When was your last big/messy night out?
3. And what is the craziest thing you've ever done? No judgement.

This guy is  too young for me (7 years younger) and a little too focussed on partying which I stated in my reply. Although I didn't feel the questions were the best ones for getting to know someone, I liked the interesting opener so I answered his questions too before thanking him for the distraction and wishing him all the best. To my surprise I received a reply.

He answered his own questions. He established that he was well travelled and liked to party, often drinking until sunrise. I am not sure why he bothered because it was pretty evident that we do not live compatible lifestyles (or in the same state). He also answered his third question. A condensed version is as follows:

Family wedding. Got Inebriated with cousins. After the wedding hit the town for more partying. Cocaine and MDMA consumed. Woke up the next morning in bed with cousin (6 years younger than him) surrounded by incriminating evidence. Both having no memory of anything post night club. He followed with a final "do you judge me for that story?"
Now I don't know about anyone else but to me putting that out there on message two doesn't seem like an obvious winning strategy. It is okay to go out and do something crazy. Sure, I guess you can even embrace it if you want to. We are all young once and we all do things that we regret and hopefully learn from. Doing your cousin is not the run of the mill mistake for most people but I hear these things happen (and worse). To be honest though, I don't want to get into a relationship with someone that is inclined to wipe themselves out on alcohol and illicit substances and party until sunrise at every opportunity. So in truth, yes I am judging him. I am judging his approach to life and whether that suits me.

I guess if he is searching for someone that is non-judgemental (or related to him) or also inclined to participate in wild nights then sure, why not? Sending information like that to anyone that will answer just might link you in with the right person. Probably not when that person has already clarified they don't think it will work. Probably not when the person's fairly comprehensive profile points in a different direction. But who knows, right?

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